Building Energy Models

Model Overview

The building energy models (BEMs) are prototypical new construction buildings that represent minimal compliance with the California Energy Code (i.e. Title 24, Part 6). Each BEM represents a building type with the following variations:

  • Vintage (compliance with 2008, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2022 Energy Codes)
  • Climate Zone (16 California Climate zones)
  • Schedules (short, average, and long) - see residential and non-residential schedules

The database includes 4 residential DEER building types, 22 non-residential DEER building types, and 3 new non-residential building types (Fin, Lib, Rel) that were not included in DEER.

EnergyPlus is the underlying simulation engine used in California Building Energy Code Compliance software for commercial buildings (CBECC-Com). The California Simulation Engine (CSE) is the underlying simulation engine used in California Building Energy Code Compliance software for residential buildings (CBECC-Res). Therefore, the residential prototypes were developed in CSE format and the non-residential prototypes were developed for the EnergyPlus format. Domestic hot water energy for residential space types within the non-residential buildgings (e.g. hotel/motel guest rooms and dormitories) are also simulated with CSE.

Building Types

Building TypeCodeConditioned AreaFloorsSector
Education - Community CollegeECC625243Education
Education - Primary SchoolEPr250011Education
Education - Relocatable ClassroomERC9611Education
Education - Secondary SchoolESe738582Education
Education - UniversityEUn1249904Education
Health/Medical - HospitalHsp833403Institutional
Health/Medical - Nursing HomeNrs149952Institutional
Lodging - HotelHtl192394Lodging
Lodging - MotelMtl1000142Lodging
Manufacturing - BiotechMBT192381Industrial
Manufacturing - Light IndustrialMLI174961Industrial
Office - LargeOfL35000010Commercial
Office - SmallOfS100002Commercial
Restaurant - Fast-FoodRFF56021Commercial
Restaurant - Sit-DownRSD56021Commercial
Retail - Multistory LargeRt3400043Commercial
Retail - Single-Story LargeRtL1305141Commercial
Retail - SmallRtS246921Commercial
Storage - ConditionedSCn5000391Commercial
Residential - Double-Wide Mobile HomeDMo11961Residential
Residential - Multi-familyMFm128422Residential
Residential - Single Family SmallSFm17701Residential
Residential - Single Family LargeSFl31202Residential
Financial InstitutionFin36001Commercial
Religious FacilityRel274581Institutional

Non-Residential Models

Detailed descriptions and inputs for the non-residential BEM prototypes.

Residential Models

Detailed descriptions and inputs for the non-residential BEM prototypes.